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Day 3: Monday, April 13th 2020

My brain in one word: hopeful

Today I am: sitting at my dining table/makeshift studio

Current CNN news headline: An ER doctor loses custody of daughter because of coronavirus fears

The reason I chose the word ‘hopeful’ for today is because I feel like that little engine that could and am finally rounding the corner of productivity. Yesterday my household was in what we now call ‘the COVID funk’ and we all were eager to fall asleep last night in hopes that a good night’s rest would function as an 8 hour reset button. I am happy to say it did…well, at least for me.

As I pulled my chair forward to begin work on the terrifying crisp white 8”x10” watercolor paper I knew the time had come. It was time for me to face my insecurities and fears of totally sucking at illustrating and writing a children’s book. My scribble paper was alert and on the ready to absorb any edits or thoughts that came to mind as I began the illustration of page one for ‘Can We Go Outside?’ - the title I have chosen for this book. The first pencil mark is always the hardest but once the lead hit the paper the fears and insecurities dissipated - as I figured they would. One illustration finished, then the second and I am eager to start my third this evening. With that being said, my view today was mostly of these two now not-so-empty- pieces of paper.

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